Extraordinary World
In a distant future, where towering skyscrapers meet ancient temples, and the pulse of neon lights blends with the serenity of traditional rooftops, there exists a hidden world known as Cyber Mountain and Sea City. This mysterious city is nestled within the pages of an ancient book, waiting for those curious enough to discover it.
Light and Color
The neon lights flicker in the chaotic night, and the neon lighting effect is dual-mode: touch mode and sensor mode. In this cyberpunk world, as you delve deeper, you’ll find yourself captivated by the complex story that unfolds with each brick you place. The city’s winding paths lead you through a labyrinth of secrets waiting to be uncovered.
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Note: Since air shipment is not allowed, the glue, batteries, and fuel are not included, so please prepare your own. You can choose silicone liquid glue, corresponding batteries, and different fuel colors.
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