Detective Theme
Sherlock Holmes is a talented virtual detective portrayed by late 19th-century British detective novelist Arthur Conan Doyle. Inspired by the thrilling plot of the novel, he designed a book with the theme of detective.
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Note: Glue and batteries are not included because they are not permitted to ship by air transportation, so please prepare them yourself. You can choose silicone liquid glue and two pcs batteries(type AAA).
O**** L***** Verified Buyer –
Detail and lighting was perfect. We did tint the light a bit and added a treasure chest and small items from Michaels. Plus plugged in an ‘electric’ battery adapter from Lenink so that I can keep it always plugged in and lit. We love it. Took less than two days to build with some extra time to add some age details and coloring etc.
R*** K**** Verified Buyer –
Especially exquisite details, relatively easy to assemble!