Flowers and Melodies
In the heart of a magical garden, where every petal holds a story and every note of music whispers a secret, a breathtaking creation stands. At the center of this world is a dazzling bouquet, delicately crafted with an array of intricate flowers. With a gentle twist, the garden comes alive as it rotates to the melody, filling the air with a song that transports you to a peaceful, enchanted realm.
Blooming Garden
When night comes, turn on the lights, and this world of flowers shows a different beauty. The vibrant colors of the blossoms and the elegant patterns carved into the wooden base tell a tale of springtime that never ends. With each piece fitting perfectly into place, the puzzle comes together like a blooming garden under your hands, ready to enchant anyone who beholds it.
Most Details
360° rotation
The model is free to rotate.
Beautifully crafted wooden base.
A wide variety of metallic flowers.
Note: Since air shipment is not allowed, the glue, batteries, and fuel are not included, so please prepare your own. You can choose silicone liquid glue, corresponding batteries, and different fuel colors.
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